My day started at 4am today. but before I go on I need to add to yesterday. My blood pressure was 186 over 107 stage 2 hypertension, not good. I did something in the office that I didn't tell my wife when I got home. when the medical assistant (MA) took my blood pressure and said it was high, I didn't freak out like I should have. when the MA left the room I prayed peace over my body and tried to relax and wait for the doctor to come in to the room. After the doctor was done with me the MA came back in and cleaned out my ears which is what I went in there for in the first place. When she got done I asked her to take my blood pressure one more time, at that point it was still high but it had come down 11 points to 175 over 105. guess I needed 2 more hours of prayer to be normal... Well what did I do today that was different then yesterday, no changes to my morning meal. but my lunch needed to go through a major change I was doing my daily salt intake in 1 meal my lunch so today I had no crackers no soda 4 cookies instead of 7. I traded the soda for tea and the crackers for carrots and my after noon snack was a apple and a banana. My dinner was soup and salad. My wife said I needed to be careful not to use to much salad dressing, although the salad is good for you the salad dressing is not. she said 2 table spoons is all I should use and I found 1 was enough for my salad tonight. so what did I do for exercise today, when I got home from work I went for a 2 1/2 mile walk and did the glider for 20 minute's. On my walk I went by Rite Aid and checked my blood pressure still high but falling, I plan on checking it about every 3 days today it was 161 over 91.
Have a Blessed Day....
Wow! Good for you. I am very impressed. And it is so wonderful that you stopped, breathed and prayed. You are amazing.